My Plumber Doesn’t Make House Calls
The back cover of the KTKT chart for December 2 1966 shows a picture captioned “My Plumber Doesn’t Make House Calls”. The picture is the cover of a Capitol comedy album featuring KTKT DJ Frank Kalil (pictured in the front) and his partner Tucson ad agency executive Jay Taylor (pictured in the background). During an interview with KTKT historian Chuck Simms Frank explains the album came about after friends urged the two to go pro with the comedy routines that the two had been doing at parties and private functions around town for a few years.
The album was recorded in a local studio – Copper States - with a gathering of local friends as audience. Kalil and Taylor submitted the finished tape to Capitol Records. Much to everyone’s surprise Capitol signed the duo to a deal. Kalil and Taylor obtained a top shelf Hollywood management and good agency representation. Soon the duo was doing engagements all around the country – touring with Trini Lopez and appearing with Bob Newhart in Santa Monica California.
The comedy team also made about a dozen well received television appearances on the Andy Williams show. As a result the NBC Television Network offered a contract giving Kalil and Taylor the chance to be the hosts for the summer replacement show for Andy Williams – getting the top billing - while the star took his annual summer hiatus. Frank Kalil declined this opportunity – citing the desire to stay with his family in Tucson. Ray Stevens wound up hosting the summer replacement Andy Williams program.
Pictured above is the front cover for Kalil and Taylor’s Capitol comedy album
“My Plumber Doesn’t Make House Calls” Capitol T 2619
Click below to enlarge and read the back cover liner notes for Kalil and Taylor’s Capitol comedy album “My Plumber Doesn’t Make House Calls” Capitol T 2619
Click below to hear Chuck Simms’ interview with Frank Kalil regarding the album “My Plumber Doesn’t Make House Calls”.
Click below to hear track one from side one of “My Plumber Doesn’t Make House Calls”. This comedy LP consists of nine tracks featuring a media representative (Frank Kalil) interviewing nine different people (Jay Taylor) with interesting and unusual occupations. Track one features an interview with Doctor Buster Pipe – Plumber.
Frank Kalil-The greatest and most popular personality, ever, in Tucson radio history, and a true comedic genius.
Visit his tribute page here.