KTKT DJ Hall OF Fame
According to program listings from the Arizona Daily Star Frank Kalil put his brand new Color Radio programming into place at KTKT during early May of 1957. Frank Kalil had previously been working with Chuck Blore at KELP AM 920 El Paso Texas. Chuck Blore who also previously worked as a DJ at KTKT 1951-1954 preceded Frank to Texas to work with top 40 radio pioneer Gordon McLendon. Frank Kalil was right in the middle of the birth of top 40 radio working with Blore in Texas. Frank blended what he learned in Texas along with his own creativity when he gave KTKT a complete makeover in 1957. Previous programming at KTKT was a variety of styles - ranging from pop to country music to a block of Spanish language programs. To contrast the different programming before and after the launch of Color Radio at KTKT here is a listing from Friday April 20 1957. KTKT 990 was a daytime only station at this point in time. 
6 am - The Hillbilly Jamboree – Tom Wallace Sr.
8 am - Tom’s Tunes - Tom Wallace Jr.
10 am - The 990 Club
3 pm - The Dance Club
5 pm - The Sundown Serenade
7 pm - Sign Off
After Frank Kalil became the KTKT program director and launched the new “Color Radio” format into place featuring only Top 40 music and quick paced DJ’s here is how the KTKT program schedule looked on Thursday May 16 1957.
6 am - The Jerry Mason Show
9 am - The Tom Wallace Jr. Show
Noon - The Joe Howe Show
3 pm - The Frank Kalil Show
730 pm - sign off
The four weekday DJ’s all worked six days at this time. Two of the jocks would handle on Saturday with Sunday being covered by the other two DJs.
Saturday May 18 1757
6 am – The Jerry Mason Show
1230 pm – The Frank Kalil Show – to sign off
Sunday May 19 1957
7 am – The Joe Howe Show

1 pm – The Tom Wallace Jr. Show – to sign off

During early September 1957 Jerry Mason leaves KTKT. Tom Wallace Jr. moves to 6 am and Joe Howe moves back his show to 9 am. Bob Holiday - who started doing news and part time DJ work during the summer - takes over the noon to 3 pm program. Frank Kalil remains at 3 pm.
By early October Tom Wallace Jr. leaves KTKT in order to run a radio station in Lompoc California. Bob Holliday then takes over the 6 am program followed by another new KTKT jock Bob Wolfe at 9 am. Joe Howe goes back to his noon to 3 pm slot with Frank Kalil remaining in afternoon drive at 3 pm.
During November of 1957 the morning DJ line up at KTKT is very dynamic with changes occurring weekly. Bob Holiday, Bob Wolfe and a new face - Buck Herring – hired on earlier during the summer to do news – but forced into temporary DJ shifts - all take turns doing the sign on and 9 am programs. Buck had previously been ay KCNA and KOPO prior to KTKT. Howe and Kalil remain in their slots.
During December more changes occur as Bob Holiday leaves the DJ line up. Joe Howe leaves KTKT and goes over to KAIR AM 1490 Tucson to do the noon to 3 pm program. That station was recently sold and is now under brand new ownership. The listings also indicate that Frank Kalil has to pull double duty for a while doing the sign on to 9 am program along with his regular 3 pm to sign off show. Buck Herring takes over the noon DJ program for a short time. A program listing from Tuesday December 10 1957 documents all these changes.
7 am - sign on – Frank Kalil
9 am - Bob Wolfe
Noon - Buck Herring
3 pm - Frank Kalil – to sign off